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Will Automation Testing engulf Manual Testing processes?

A very important aspect of IT industry is software testing since it ensures whether everything is working well or not according to the standards and requirements. Software testing aims towards the yielding of desired results as per the business requirements; it should also be bug-free. The evaluation may be classified into two broad categories- one is automation and another manual. Any of the testing methods can be adopted but it actually depends on project budget and requirement. Accordingly it may be analyzed which method will yield more benefits for the project.

Automation testing takes the help of automation tool so that test cases can be executed; it is perfect for large projects. The running tests repeat the predefined so that the program’s real and probable results can be matched. With alignment of results as well as prospects, you can assume that the behaviour is as it should be. In manual evaluation, the tests are run manually without the support of any tools. This is quite an old way to test software. Every software activity is initially tested in this way. However, it is quite cumbersome since several stages are required and each of the processes needs some qualities and innovative, creative, observant, patient and speculative skills. It also involves a lot of time as well as money. With these limitations, these days more and more companies as well as developers are opting for automation as the best means for testing of software. Here are some advantages that it has over manual that is leading to most people leaning in its favour.

Speed- After giving some effort initially towards writing of tests, the performance of automation is significantly faster when compared to corresponding manual ones. This is among the main reasons for most people who choose automation over it. In case of big systems the frequent as well as thorough execution of manual tests takes a long amount of time.

Cost-effective- In automation, the initial costs may be heavy but afterwards everything becomes smoother and there are no concurring costs. On the whole it leads to everything becoming cheaper since just one time payment has to be made; there is no need for multiple payments to be paid for same work. So effectively, automated tests’ cost comes fully-loaded, making it lower than the equivalent manual tests.

More versatile and powerful- It often becomes necessary to check whether performance requirements are met or not when it is used by many users. But for human testers it is impossible to create 100,000 users manually so that they can perhaps check whether statistics generation from the particular number of users will take the same amount of time when used by a single user. Similarly, in case of automation the creation date of objects located in the databases can be changed but the same is not applicable in case of manual testers. The behaviour of systems in future can also be checked. Some similar challenges can be easily tackled by automation but the existing user interface is restrictive when checking manually.

Reliability- Once a test is written and added to test suite performed for each deployment, it cannot be simply forgotten. However, when testing manually some particular tests may be forgotten to perform or some of them can be forgotten intentionally. This helps in reduction of technical as well as human risks. Thus your application is not dependent on the strength of your staff. Even if your staffs are changed, you may be sure that the evaluation will be carried on as usual.

The galore of benefits offered by automation makes it a far more superior alternative to evaluation done manually. It may engulf manual testing processes, but only up to a certain respect since there are some cases in which testing conducted manually yields far better and precise results, where automation does not really prove to be as beneficial.

You can hire testers from top automation testing companies in India who can help you accomplish testing within allocated budgets and time schedules.

You can outsource automated testing services to experts. If you would like to hire automation testers from us or would just like to speak to one of our expert software testers, please reach out to us at Mindfire Solutions.